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documents received中文是什么意思

用"documents received"造句"documents received"怎么读"documents received" in a sentence


  • 收到的文件


  • Net framework clients of the web service built from the wsdl document receive a
  • 08 documents received , either from you or from an external source , are under review
  • Organise the technical and commercial review and appraisal of bid documents received by client
  • 1 . ulink shall confirm documents received from the customer , and shall take proper means
  • Sent required documents including application processing fee to cist or to our agent . all documents received become the property of cist . 2
  • B if the documents do not appear to be listed , the remitting bank shall be precluded from disputing the type and number of documents received by the collecting bank
  • All bid documents received by the tenderer prior to the deadline for submission set in the tender documents shall be opened and announced in public when opening bids
  • Handle office administrative work , including reception , document receiving & sending , ticket ordering , coordination with external vendors ( it , property management , telecomm , cleaning , utilities , etc
    处理项目办公室日常行政工作,包括办公室的接待、文件收发、订票、与供应商( it 、物业、电信、保洁、水电等)的协调等工作。
  • C a party instructing another party to perform services shall be bound by and liable to indemnify the instructed party against all obligations and responsibilities imposed by foreign laws and usages . article 12 - disclaimer on documents received
  • According to the technical analysis , an assistant system for operation document - drsas ( document receiving - sending agents system ) was proposed . in this paper . the system main implemented the communication between server side and client side based on socket programming in " push " mode ( i
    本文从技术角度出发,分析了造成这种情况的原因,提出了基于多代理机( multi - agents )思想的公文处理辅助系统? ?公文收发代理系统( drsas ? ? documentsreceiving - sendingagentssystem ) 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"documents received"造句  
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